​​​​​​​The Saline County Commission has released the application and guidelines for the first phase of release of funds from the CARES Act funding.  According to the commission, this application will be sent to the city offices, chamber of commerce offices, published on the Saline County and Emergency Management websites, available for pick up at the Saline County Courthouse, and you are welcome to print a copy and distribute from your office.

Saline County has received $2,670,320 from the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act) to provide economic relief funds for reimbursement of necessary expenditures incurred by entities throughout the county due to the COVID-19 Pandemic. In accordance with Federal guidelines, as announced previously, your Saline County Commission has been working diligently to develop a process to determine a fair and equitable manner to distribute funds for reimbursement of COVID-19 expenditures to eligible entities within the County.  After careful consideration, it has been determined that the relief funds will be distributed in phases throughout the reimbursement period with Phase I consisting of using a portion of the funds received to provide reimbursement to small businesses that have been affected by the pandemic.

The other phases to follow are:
Phase 2: — Health/Emergency Services/ Nursing Homes/ Public Health;
Phase 3: — County/Cities/Schools; and
Phase 4: — Remaining and unfunded categories compliant with CARES Act distribution, i.e. lending and investment institutions, corporations, nonprofits, etc.

The Commission recognizes the severe negative impact that COVID-19 has had on small businesses in our County. In order to assist small businesses during these difficult times, the Commission has chosen to establish the Saline County CARES Small Business Relief Program which will provide up to $10,000 in reimbursement of eligible expenses to small business owners.  The Commission intends to do everything possible to streamline the application process and assure these funds are distributed to small business owners as quickly as possible.

Saline County Coronavirus Relief Funds will be distributed to eligible small businesses for necessary expenditures incurred due to the public health emergency with respect to the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19).

An application process has been developed to determine eligibility in accordance with federal guidelines for receiving funding through this program. To seek funding the Applicant shall submit the County adopted application form in a timely manner. The application for funds shall include a description of the services and materials purchased by the applicant and the cost for such items along with a receipt for payment. Reimbursement shall only be available for expenses incurred by the applicant from March 1, 2020 through December 15, 2020. The requirement that expenditures be incurred “due to” the public health emergency means that only eligible expenditures incurred for actions taken by the business to respond to the public health emergency during the grant period dates will be considered for reimbursement.

The applicant may only seek funding that is permitted for reimbursement meeting the federal and state laws and guidelines prescribing the criteria and conditions governing the distribution of COVID-19 funds and the County’s requirements. Funds available from the County are limited in amount and not all eligible expenses may be funded for reimbursement. Funds will be allocated to eligible and qualified small businesses based upon availability.

Applications will be reviewed after receipt for eligibility along with the required documentation. Only those applications deemed to be complete and eligible will be processed and considered for funding. The County has designated the County Commission as the coordinator of the COVID-19 funding program for the County, and such officials shall make the final determination of eligibility and reimbursable amounts under the designated Salcocom/ss:5.20.2020 specified criteria. If the applicant disagrees with a denial of any requested funds, the applicant may appeal the decision to the County Commission in writing within five business days of the denial. Such appeal shall set forth the rationale for the appeal. By submitting an application for program funds, the Applicant is agreeing to hold the County and its agents harmless from any and all liability arising out of the administration of the COVID-19 funding program by the County.

The following businesses will not be considered eligible to request assistance under the Saline County Small Business Relief Program during Phase I:
• Lending and investment institutions;
• Sporting venues;
• Nonprofit entities; and
• Corporately-owned Chain Stores.

To be eligible, a business must:
• Be a for-profit, independently-owned business or an independently-operated franchise, geographically located within the borders of Saline County;
• Employ 15 people or less, including the owner of the business;
• Possess a current city, county and state license or permit to operate, as applicable;
• Provide proof of a business hardship created by COVID-19 (i.e. employee layoffs, purchase of added safety items, added expenses due to COVID-19, etc.);
• Use funds for operational needs that meet the eligibility requirements set by the CARES Act, such as employee personal protection expenses, lease/mortgage payments, utilities, materials, supplies, and services;
• Be in compliance with local, state, and federal nondiscrimination policy, and overall good standing with city and county service providers as of February 1, 2020 (i.e., current on utility bills, no liens or judgments, and paid prior year(s) property taxes, state and federal taxes); and
• Not have taken a Paycheck Protection Program loan or benefited from a similar program under the CARES Act.

Examples of ineligible reimbursements (noninclusive);
• Employee salaries;
• Expenses that have been, or will be, reimbursed under any federal program, such as the reimbursement by the federal government pursuant to the CARES Act of contributions by States to State unemployment funds;
• Reimbursement to donors for services or donated items;
• Workforce bonuses, other than hazardous duty pay, or overtime;
• Severance pay;
• Expenses for the State share of Medicaid;
• Damages covered by insurance; or
• Legal settlements

Submit or mail the application to:   Saline County CARES Small Business Relief Fund, Saline County Courthouse, Room 101, Marshall, MO 65340

Saline County, Missouri




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