Saline County, Missouri

Emergency alerts and notifications help inform citizens of weather, traffic, and other emergencies in the county.  Sign up to opt in to receive alerts via, email, text, and voice messages that you want to receive on your devices and communications modes that you choose.

Be Notified!!

Rave Prepare!

RAVE ALERT  is now available to all residents within Saline County and is a free service provided by the Emergency Management Dept of the County that allows individuals to sign up for emergency notifications sent from state and local authorities.  RAVE ALERT keeps residents and travelers informed on potentially hazardous situations involving weather, traffic and other emergencies.  RAVE ALERT enables authorities to notify the community in real time situations via email, text, or voice message on their cell phones.  This service allows for critical communication with the public and provides information needed to stay safe or take precautions during hazardous or emergency situations.  RAVE ALERT is private and secure, and only used to notify you for official Saline County communications and to support the County's emergency services. Information is not used for marketing purposes and will not be sold to telemarketers or data-mining organizations.  A variety of "opt-in" mechanisms are available to ensure you are getting just the messages you want to receive via the devices and communication modes that you choose.

Emergency ManagementType your paragraph here.

General Political Party

In addition to RAVE ALERT, residents also have the option of signing up for free with the RAVE PREPARE portion of the SMART911 program.  With RAVE PREPARE, residents can submit medical information and access or functional needs through an online portal for emergency planning, response, and recovery. During a disaster, emergency managers are able to easily identify residents in need of assistance, communicate with them, and assign resources to send help. The interactive web-based map interface allows emergency managers to create queries by demographics or location to single out any group or segment in need of assistance. RAVE PREPARE enables responders to plan ahead and proactively respond to disasters and other emergencies including power outages, transportation interruptions, and evacuations.  Emergency Management can rapidly identify and locate individuals who have critical medical dependencies on electricity, such as ventilators, kidney dialysis, or medications requiring refrigeration.  Personnel can locate those individuals who require assistance due to mobility limitations or transportation challenges and plan for any necessary transportation resources. Important information can be obtained such as primary language spoken in advance of a disaster to provide resources the community will need during an incident requiring emergency sheltering.  All information is private and secure and not available to the general public, telemarketers or data-mining organizations.  

Rave Alert!

